Homecraft Saunas

The Homecraft Saunas Resource Section

Troubleshooting Video Guide

Please review this helpful video if you are looking for troubleshooting tips on High limit switch issues, install tips, touchpad issues & more.

Click here to see the video: Homecraft troubleshooting guide

Sauna Heater Installation Manuals

Revive Slim 4kw, 5kw & 6kw Install Manual: Revive Slim Sauna Installation

Revive 6kw, 7.5kw & 9kw Install Manual: Revive Installation Manual

H-Series 6kw, 7.5kw, 9kw (240v 1 Phase) Install Manual: H-Series Installation Manual 

Apex 10kw, 12kw, 15kw & 18kw Install Manual: Apex Installation Manual 

F-Series (12kw, 15kw) Install Manual: F-Series Install Manual

Operating My TKE2-2 Touchpad

Simple Guide to operating the Homecraft touchpad: Touchpad Guide

Low voltage control diagrams
Diagram for CHSH4, CHSH5, HS6 240 volt, 1 phase: click here Diagram for HSH7.5, HSH9 in 240 volt, 1 phase: click here Diagram for HSH 7.5, HSH 9, FHSH 12, FHSH 15-208Volt, 3 phase: click here
Sauna Kit Installation Instructions

Explore our full guide of instructions for Sauna KIT

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Help Choosing A Sauna Heater

The following sauna information will help you use and choose your sauna equipment properly. It is designed to provide simple steps that will help you enjoy your sauna and receive the maximum benefit from it.

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Bench Support Framing Guidelines

Explore the Homecraft horizontal bench support diagram.

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Wall Framing Guidelines For Installing Tongue and Groove Cedar

Explore Instructions for installing horizontal wall strapping.

Download PDF 

Sauna break-in procedure

Starting Your New Sauna Heater For The First Time, Explore Guide.

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enjoying your sauna

A Guide on exploring how to enjoy your Best Sauna Experience.

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sauna care and maintanance

Tips on Sauna care and maintanence

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What to do when my Control reads “Open”?

What should I do when my control reads “open”?

Thankfully this is usually a very simple problem to fix. Open means that there is an open circuit somewhere in the wiring and usually this is found on the thermistor sensor (Temperature sensor above the heater).

Pull the thermistor sensor from the walls and simply make sure the wiring is snug and properly connected. This oftentimes will fix the issue and your sauna control will engage once more.

If the issue persists please email us at inquiry@homecraftsaunas.com

Finding and Resetting your High limit switch

When your Sauna Heater is overworked the high-limit switch will automatically shut the heater down as a safety measure.

This can be caused for a number of reasons from bad air flow within the heater (to many rocks) or wrong placement of the Thermistor sensor (placed 2 inches below the ceiling above the sauna heater). When the high limit switch has tripped it will be impossible to start your heater without re-engaging the switch.

On the bottom of every Homecraft Sauna heater you will find the CSA approved sticker with our heater information. In the very middle of the aluminum sticker is a hole where the high limit switch is located.

1 – insert a safe (wooden) object in the hole and push to re-engage the high limit switch

2 – you should hear the sounds of the switch re-engaging

3 – go to your control and turn the sauna heater on once again

If the high limit switch continues to trip in your sauna then there is most likely an issue with your installation.

Why choose Homecraft Saunas?

35+ years experience: We have been manufacturing and building saunas for over 30 years. We are experienced and are a brand you can rely on

Family Run & Operated: We pride ourselves on the fact that when you deal with us you are dealing with real people who know how to get the job done. We are a family owned business who are dedicated on doing what is right for our customers.

Truly Canadian: We are Western Canada’s oldest sauna company in Canada and are proud to still continue to build and manufacture our wonderful products here in Canada. We live in a world where it is easier to import cheaply made products that sell for higher prices. When you purchase from Homecraft you are supporting a locally run, 100% Canadian company.

Committed to our customers:  It is more important for you to be satisfied then anything else. We pride ourselves on our customer service and our attitude to make sure each customer is happy. We aren’t perfect but when mistakes happen we always make it right.